Thursday 20 January 2011

America Prefers Obama to Palin

Going Rogue: An American Life  You Betcha!: The Witless Wisdom of Sarah Palin  Palinisms: The Accidental Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin

When Obama won the Presidential Elections the decent people of the world, those who want world peace and a fairer world, celebrated. That's because they knew that McCain and Palin would have been a disaster. Despite the reassurance they received from the initial success of Obama, the adulation afforded Sarah Palin and the fall of Obama's votes in the midterms has been a worry for decent people both inside and outside America.

The woman is nothing more than a rabble rouser and appeals to their base nature. It was no wonder that she was widely suspected to be in some way related to the Safeway massacre. Her speeches since have shown again how stupid, arrogant and incapable she is. This video is a reminder of how ill equipped the woman is for politics.

article continues below

When Gabrielle Giffords was gunned down we all thought that Palin had played a part in bringing it about. Her language, her attitude, her aggression and that of her mindless supporters fitted well with the action outside Safeways in Tucson. It seems now that this was not the case but Sarah Palin couldn't leave it alone. The woman is even too stupid to quit while she is ahead.

Palin decided to go head to head with Obama. She waited until he gave his speech at the Tucson victim' memorial before she gave hers. Her speech was about herself. It attacked, attacked and attacked. It showed beyond reasonable doubt that she is not fit for office. Soon after the speeches Obama's approval ratings climbed and Palins' fell.


Anonymous said...

The nasty woman's approval rating is down to 30%. Obama's was back up to 80% today. God Bless America

Anonymous said...

Thanks for embedding that video. I've seen it before but it is so funny. Worth another viewing!

I cannot believe that anyone could vote for Sarah Palin. The video shows beyond doubt that she is all style and no substance whatsoever. Only the very stupid could fall for her.